Bavra Village School: Domed vault made from layers of cone-tile stacked to form arches, and laid together to form a spherical vault

Construction System, Vaulted Roof & Ceiling
Fabrication of roof truncated cylindrical tiles and development of the vaulted roof ribs for the construction of the school roof. The guna-type roof ribs are made by cone-shaped tiles, each one about a foot long and 4" to 5" in diameter with a slight taper, fabricated by the village potter. These tiles, set into each other, nose to tail, and a long line of them, form a curve. These curves form the arched ribs, out of which the domes were made, and then plastered on the outer surface. The tiles in the lowest arch were filled with mud, to give it compressive strength.
Created by:
Christopher Alexander, Village bricklayers