Pattern Language, January 1971: Book early version

Book Early Version

Early manuscript with a note on the first page, stating “Draft version for experimental use only, not for publication; copyright pending.” It contains three chapters: Chapter 1, titled “Instructions” includes Brief Description, Making the Design and the list of patterns; Chapter 2, titled “Parts” consists of 97 double face pages with diagrams and explanatory text, which refers to the levels of scale of patterns and the relationship of a pattern with larger and smaller scale patterns; and Chapter 3, titled “The Patterns” contains early formulations of 137 patterns, each on a 2-page format with Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, Revision Date and Notes.

Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Denny Abrams, Shlomo Angel, Max Jacobson, Ronald Walkey, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, James Jones, Barbara Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.