Wholeness and the Theory of Centers

Christoper Alexander defined and described wholeness as an idea to view and shape space, and searched for ways to formulate and represent wholeness in precise terms, as a structure. He idenfied the entities with 'strength' give structure to what is defined as wholeness. These entites, the building blocks of wholeness, are the Centers; each center exists because it gets its life form other centers. He explored and proposed ways in which centers become living and can be built from other centers; a step by step process, by resursively and gradually introducing other centers to intensify the field effect and create the center's life.
Areas of focus:
Structure of Space
Guiding idea:
Centers and Fields of Centers
Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

Wholeness as a fundamental structure of space
Life comes directly from wholeness
The multiplicity of centers and degree of wholeness
Recursive definition of a center
Each center as a field
The subtlety of centers

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