The Linz Café: Expressing gratitude for the letters and photographs sent to him and laying out 16 issues of importance needing decisions and approval: 1) Changes in the idea about the book, being longer and more serious; Oxford Press is very interested; 2) Color pictures; as they play a much more important role and are essential; 3&4) Oxford University Press’s positions about the new book content and format and request for the pricing of specified numbers of books; 5) Contract which is enclosed; 6) Corrections in the layout; 7) Size of type; 8) Final layout; 9) Photographs; 10) Color printing; 11) Photographers; 12) Layout of photographs; 13) Location and color of photographs; 14) Translation; 15) Money; 16) What to do next

Book Publication, Request for Feedback
Christopher Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
Erhard Löcker, Löcker Verlag, Vienna, Austria