Progress Report to the College of Education, University of Cincinnati: Holmes Planning Task Force

Task Force Report, Progress Report

Describes the deliberations of the task force and proposes that teacher education programs be guided by a planning progress, initiated in local program areas and framed by a set of communally adopted teaching and learning patterns.
In section “A Language of Practice Framework”, it mentions: “The notion that a language of practice can be modified, communicated, and offered as a guide for practice is exemplified in the work of Christopher Alexander and his associates in architecture”. ‘A Pattern Language’ was used as the base to develop the language of practice.

David Barnett, Kathryn Borman, Helen Buswinka, Lanathan Camblin, Roger Collins, Karin Dahl, Ken Dirr, Ann Dorsey, Roger Effron, Nancy Evers, Grace Falciglia, Nancy Hamant, Richard Kretschmer, Chet Laine, Edward Latessa, Glen Markle, Tom Mooney, William Nicoll, Susanne Sole, University of Cincinnati, College of Education, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.