Civic Center & Town Hall for Mountain View: Presentation Drawings – Set of selected drawings submitted as boards for the competition entry

Architectural Design, Presentation Drawing, Perspective, Site Plan, Floor Plan, Section, Elevation, Details

Set of five drawings submitted among others for the competition entry to convey the overall character and feeling of the building complex. The 1st drawing includes the Site Plan, highlighting the main centers of the project, together with perspectives and sketches of what makes the site distinct, and a text on the “visualization process – walking about the site to understand the project”. The 2nd drawing is titled “The plaza and main public spaces” with the Ground Floor Plan at the center bounded with perspectives and sketches; the plan shows only the primary interior and exterior spaces of various levels of scale, for highlighting how the main centers of the project are organized and connected. The 3rd drawing contains only a large perspective of the main plaza. The fourth drawing is dedicated to the City Hall with a perspective of its lobby with the dome in the middle and floor plans, sections and elevations. The fifth drawing is dedicated to the Theater with a perspective of the theater during performance, the third floor plan and four sections and elevations .

Christopher Alexander, Artemis Anninou, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
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