Neighborhood of Seventy Low-Cost Houses: Overview of project
01/07/1991One page composing the latest progress and issues of the project as they were described in the correspondence from Colombia.
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Regarding the reunion meeting: Construction on the one house cannot begin until the conditions of the $5000.00 is understood be it a loan, a gift etc. Then contracts by families must be signed in order for construction to commence. Time is of the essence
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Continued dialogue concerning the funding for the first house, as well as John Neilson's support offer to help with the costs for a second model. Additional sources from Savings and Loans type bank is under consideration. Awaiting Christopher's return from Italy to commence in-depth conversation
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Update on the start to staking out foundations and work that will take no money, family funding, and presentation of the project to the government in order to be considered for cash gifts to families for construction