Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Updates on banks and lending scenarios with details that varying banks could offer. Families will be appraised. Other matters regarding Seth’s visa and possible issues are mentioned
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Introduction of Seth Wachtel and his intentions to work in Colombia, along with a request that a "Visa de Servicios" will be granted to him; draft included mentions two more recipients of this letter
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Outline update on the progress of the project. Includes minutes on meeting with BCH, governmental rules, down payments and alternated lending institutions. Cost estimates, technical drawing, photos and other miscellaneous are discussed
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Update on Project. Updates on Bank Loans from BCH, Concasa and Instituto de Credito Territorial. Additionally there is an expectation that the Building Department approval is forthcoming