Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Overview of discussion with Christopher Alexander regarding the funding to build one house. Christopher Alexander is emphatic that he can assist on this. One path forward is that C.E.S. will work with World Bank and the Canadian government. Further information about reasonable deadlines is provided.
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Request for status to be provided after meeting with the families so that Christopher Alexander will have a clear understanding of the problem and be prepared with a position to handle the issues. Additionally questions of the status of requested data.
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Response for request to provide status from the meeting with the families. Provides an outline of two possible options for the family houses; either they are all the same, or all the families build one house, as a prototype, to demonstrate to the banks feasibility, costs and savings. An additional request for Christopher Alexander to find funding to build the prototype house, as this currently seems a better option.
Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Short note indicating that since the funding will be found by Christopher Alexander for the first house, construction could begin as soon as possible, in order to get it completed by year's end, as required for receivng further funding. It includes additional request for Christopher Alexander to travel to the project site for expressing his support for CIDA, Construyamos etc.
SEE ALL Correspondence