Pattern Language – Row Houses
Winter 1978The studio project was to design a group of row houses as a means of investigating the generic form of housing in medium to high density urban settings. Special importance was given to the relationship between public and private demands in such situations, and to the use of patterns in the process of designing. The initial site plan was done communally, in group discussions. Then, students chose their sites to design their own houses, while collaborating with their neighborbors for the shape of a path, for the location of balconies, and for similar issues which depended on common agreement.
Theory of Patterns and Pattern Languages
In 'The Timeless Way of Building' Christopher Alexander postulates that the quality in buildings cannot by made, but only generated, indirectly, by the ordinary actions of the people. He asserts that people can shape buildings for themselves, and have done ...
Project Specific Pattern Languages - Specificity and Generality of Pattern Languages
A shared pattern language in a project acts as the generic system which gives the power to the smaller local acts to form a whole. Within the process of making a project, every individual act of building differentiates space. However, ...