Christopher Alexander Competition Portfolio Entry 042 – Collaborating Designers: Artemis Anninou, Hansjoachim Neis, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, Eleni Coromvli, Gary Black
"Tokyo International Forum - Conference Center for the City of Tokyo" article: Invitation to participate in the publication of the entries in the International Architectural Design Competition for the Tokyo International Forum and request for response. A list with the winning names per category, as they were decided by the Jury, is attached
"Tokyo International Forum - Conference Center for the City of Tokyo" article: Response to the invitation to participate in the publication of the entries in the International Architectural Design Competition for the Tokyo International and request for immediate answers to two important questions regarding the C.E.S. participation
"Tokyo International Forum - Conference Center for the City of Tokyo" article: Repeating the urgent request for answers regarding the C.E.S. project's participation in the publication