Pattern Language – The Contribution of Christopher Alexander’s Centre for Environmental Structure to the Science of Design
Theory of Patterns and Pattern Languages
In 'The Timeless Way of Building' Christopher Alexander postulates that the quality in buildings cannot by made, but only generated, indirectly, by the ordinary actions of the people. He asserts that people can shape buildings for themselves, and have done ...
Project Specific Pattern Languages - Specificity and Generality of Pattern Languages
A shared pattern language in a project acts as the generic system which gives the power to the smaller local acts to form a whole. Within the process of making a project, every individual act of building differentiates space. However, ...
A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers
The first of Alexander’s early works published by the Center for Environmental Structure, notably the first pattern language for a project. It is presented as a system of generating principles, called a pattern language for multi-service centers. It includes 64 ...
Houses Generated by Patterns
The second of Alexander’s early works published by the Center for Environmental Structure, lays out the process of creating the pattern language for a group of houses designed for an experimental housing competition in Lima, Peru in 1969. It ...
Bronx Multi-Service Center
1968 to
An early study of the use of pattern language in community designed buildings. The Bronx Multi-Service Center is one of the eight centers included in the book "A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers", and presents a prototype for these ...
Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development (SWRL)
Application of the early ideas of pattern language to the design of an educational research and development facility. The architectural firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Architects (S.O.M.) asked C.E.S. to work with them on the schematic design of the SWRL ...