PREVI / Lima – Low Cost Housing Project (includes the minority report)
PREVI / Lima - Low Cost Housing Project: The Centre for Environmental Structure competition entry (USA)
PREVI / Lima - Low Cost Housing Project: Competition entries by the following twelve international architectural firms - Kikutake, Kurokawa, Maki (Japan); Candilis, Josic, Woods (France); Charles Correa (India); Toivo Korhonen (Finland); Esguerra, Saenz, Urdaneta, Samper (Colombia); Svenssons (Denmark); Oskar Hansen and Svein Haltoy (Poland); Herbert Ohl (Germany); Atelier Five (Switzerland); J. L. Iniguez de Onzono and Vasquez de Castro (Spain), James Stirling (England), Aldo E. Van Eyck (Holland)