Toward a Personal Workplace: Portfolio of Interiors and a New System of Office Furniture
"Toward a Personal Workplace" Article: Asking Christopher Alexander to write an article on the Haworth Furniture Project to be published by the Architectural Record magazine in 1987; expressing his interest in larger scale projects as well
"Toward a Personal Workplace" Article: Regarding the draft of article "A New System of Office Furniture and the San Anselmo Room", possibly from the editors of 'Architectural Record', with general comments and suggestions on the article, before being published on the Sep-1987 issue
"Toward a Personal Workplace" Article: Regarding the draft of article "A New System of Office Furniture and the San Anselmo Room", attached to letter addressed to co-author, to be published in the Sept. 1987 issue of Architectural Record
SEE ALL Correspondence
"A New System of Office Furniture and the San Anselmo Room": Original text of article
Original text of the article “Toward a Personal Workplace: Portfolio of Interiors and a New System of Office Furniture”, published in the journal “Architectural Record”.
"A New System of Office Furniture and the San Anselmo Room": suggestions and edits for the article by the publisher with an introductory letter
22-page text named “File: Alex” sent to Chris by the publisher after its initial editing, for his final review, corrections and decision on the article title.
The Sequence of Unfolding - Generative Codes for the Design Process
In architecture, as in other things, the "right" sequence is of vital importance. It is a generative sequence of progressive differentiations, which allow space to unfold in the right order. Each differentiation acts on the product of the previous ...
The Uniqueness of People's Individual Worlds, Always Respected and Manifested
In the last two centuries "modular" design has produced identical apartments, arranged in typical apartment blocks. The same is true for mass-produced furniture. Uniqueness, which expresses personal needs and whiches, and which springs from the need to adapt and connect ...
Color and Inner Light: The Eleven Color Properties
Christopher Alexander postulated that centers and the field of centers they create are the building blocks from which wholeness is made. However, he further argued that geometry alone is not sufficient, and that color is the way wholeness comes to ...
New System of Office Furniture for Haworth, Inc.
1985 to
The new system of office furniture, intended for mass production, was designed in such a way as to be capable of creating the environment for millions of workers, in an endless variety of specific configurations. The line of furniture provided ...
Offices and Workshops for Sweet Potatoes Children's Clothing Factory
1985 to
2,300 square feet of interior office space for the management and administrative staff for "Sweet Potatoes" clothing factory to accommodate two partners and eleven employees. All interior furnishings, walls, floors, ceilings, lighting, built-in cabinets, desks, storage, chairs, tables, custom fitted ...
House for Daniel Potash and Maureen McCabe
1986 to
Complete reconstruction of existing house, with emphasis on the house kitchen. Hand painted interiors, hand-plaster work, furniture, and garden terraces; benches, seats, table, fireplace and floor of kitchen --all built and painted by C.E.S. Total construction 2,500 square feet.
Haworth New Office Furniture System: Rolling side table / Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Rolling table
Rolling side table made of black lucite surfaces with heavy brass castors, used for miscellaneous machines and equipment, and sundry small items. Furniture prototype incorporated in the Center for Environmental Structure office. A version of this, constructed in solid wood, ...
Haworth New Office Furniture System: Low bookcase / Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Low bookcase
The Low Bookcase, a simple elegant piece of furniture, was designed to be used as a divider within a room or to line a wall or finally as a built-in element within a thick wall. Available in five different lengths, ...
Haworth New Office Furniture System: Upright desk / Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Executive desk
Red automobile laquer sprayed over MDF to create high gloss surfaces for the desk frame and its upstand with shelves and pigeonholes, combined with a brown leather slightly sloping writing surface; available in prescribed colors in three sizes. Furniture prototype ...
SEE ALL Construction Innovations
Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Forwarding a formal project proposal, for the "Development of a New Line of Office Furniture and Enclosures" and referring to an article recently published by Architectural Record's Interiors issue as an example illustrating what is being proposed for the Herman Miller Inc. project. A list of practical points is included
Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: In-depth discussion regarding the current situation relating to Herman Miller's apparent commitment to move ahead with the full version of furniture as developed by the Center for Environmental Structure. Also, discussing the possible disagreements John Rheinfrank might have about this, and offering options which could make the continuation of their collaboration possible. Two more drafts are included