C.E.S. Office – Martinez House: Wooden plank roof construction details
1981The "Russian" type plank roof consists of two layers of long boards running from ridge to eave, with two grooves milled in each board; before being built on the house, its construction method and detailing was tried on the small experimental shed built for this purpose, next to the house. The same detail was also developed for the Card house, which was not finally constructed.
Content of
C.E.S. Office - Martinez House
1977 to
The second building completed on the Martinez site, was a 2,000 square feet house. A gunite all-concrete building as well, it was the first sizable and fully functional project in which C.E.S. used gunite, while applying all permit and specification ...
House for Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Card
1979 to
Two-story house, with outbuildings, terraceses and gardens.
C.E.S. Office - Martinez House: Small all-gunnite shed built as an experimental building - Photographs of mock-up
Nine photographs of the experimental shed under construction, for testing the construction techniques and details not used in the tile workshop, as for example the wooden plank ‘Russian type’ roof.
C.E.S. Office - Martinez House: Wooden roof with its details - Photographs
Two photographs of the “Russian” type wooden roof .