Upham House: Interior plasterwork early experiments
1990Early experiments for exploring possibilities of making flowers and other simple reliefs in plaster and trying casting techniques. Refiefs were made by gluing cardboard and balsa wood surfaces. These early experiments were the basis for the development of the plaster panels used in the house living room.
Design and Construction is one Integrated Making Process
The design process of a project and its construction process are united into one continuous and intertwined making process, unfolding in a step-by-step sequence. Design ends together with the completion of the construction process. "Making" is a conception of the ...
Ornament and Function as Products of Unfolding
Ornament arises as part of the design process, when a person is making and seeks to embellish this "something" while making it. It arises as a result of the latent centers in the uncompleted thing requiring still more centers, requiring ...