Fourth International Architectural Forum: Notification that the transcript of the tape is being made by the Architectural Museum in Frankfurt; copy of tape being sent. Asking for Christopher Alexander consideration to be expeditious as they need to get to the press
Fourth International Architectural Forum: Lecture on "Architecture as a Sign of Life". Request for publication of lecture in a book by Hatje Verlag.
Fourth International Architectural Forum: A letter urging Christopher Alexander to provide a manuscript as soon as possible as the printing of the conference book will begin shortly. On the same letter is a return note from Christopher Alexander asking for the transcription of the tape of the lecture to be provided before publication.
Fourth International Architectural Forum: Sending a compendium of the event, named "BeHAUStSein", meaning "be at home", to four individuals who contributed to it as a sign of gratitude; Christopher Alexander, one of the four, is portrayed. Attached is a booklet produced after the forum
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