Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Responding on three basic issues discussed in a telephone communication between the attorneys for the Center for Environmental Structure and Herman Miller Inc.: The project budget, its scheduling, copywrites, trademark, patent on the products, the initial estimate and specific editing of the contract are issues commented upon
Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Forwarding a draft of the contract prepared by the company's lawyer for being reviewed and possibly added upon by the Center for Environmental Structure
Herman Miller New Office Furniture System: Forwarding a payment check for design fee and advance on royalty, asking for the need of resolving the project's logistics and contract issues
Herman Miller Furniture Systems: Contract
19-page draft of a design agreement between the Center for Environmental Structure and Herman Miller. It is defining the relationship between the Designer and the Client, including the services to be performed and the responsibilities of each one towards the ...
Herman Miller Furniture Systems: Contract & revision to paragraphs 15, 16 and 17 to be inserted in contract between Herman Miller, Inc. and the Center for Environmental Structure
Marked-up copy with editing of the 19-page agreement with an addition of a two-page revision of paragraphs #15 Proprietary Rights, #16 Product Ownership and #17 Project Cancelation .