House for Bob and Laura Viale: Viale vs. City of Orinda Planning Commission. 16 pages composing the pleading for a new review and a more fair re-consideration of the parking variance for the Viale’s house. Included is a lengthy background history of the case; a draft is also included
House for Bob and Laura Viale: Viale vs. City of Orinda Planning Commission. 16 pages composing the pleading for a new review and a more fair re-consideration of the parking variance for the Viale's house. Included is a lengthy background history of the case; a draft is also included
House for Bob and Laura Viale: Viale vs. City of Orinda Planning Commission. 16 pages composing the pleading for a new review and a more fair re-consideration of the parking variance for the Viale's house. Included is a lengthy background history of the case; a draft is also included
House for Bob and Laura Viale: Application 1129-76: Request and application for variance
4-page document granting the variance requested for lots 11-15, with two specific details that must be met. The initial application is included with document .
House for Bob and Laura Viale: Orinda Planning Commision Staff Report on Variance # VAR-2-86
Six pages with the analytical contents of the variance request, also including the agency’s comments, an evaluation and an attached Exhibit A with all the recommendations given .