Neighborhood of Seventy Low Cost Houses: Presentation Drawings – Site Plan with Houses Laid-out
06/06/1990Final site plan produced on the basis of the house layouts completed on the site together with the families, as it was approved by the Planning Department.
The Sequence of Unfolding - Generative Codes for the Design Process
In architecture, as in other things, the "right" sequence is of vital importance. It is a generative sequence of progressive differentiations, which allow space to unfold in the right order. Each differentiation acts on the product of the previous ...
The Uniqueness of People's Individual Worlds, Always Respected and Manifested
In the last two centuries "modular" design has produced identical apartments, arranged in typical apartment blocks. The same is true for mass-produced furniture. Uniqueness, which expresses personal needs and whiches, and which springs from the need to adapt and connect ...