Pasadena Zoning Ordinance for Multi-Family Housing

Project Report Draft

159-page draft of the 16-Nov-1987 project report in two parts. Part One: Philosophy and Intent, with the following four chapters, 1) Intent of the Ordinance; 2) The Coherence of the Neighborhood; 3) Examples of Individual Projects; 4) Density. Part Two: Procedure, with the following three chapters, 5) Process: How to Use this Document; 6) Permit Application Forms and Procedure; 7) Guidelines and Standards. There is a transmittal letter, explaining the purpose for circulating this draft. There is also a second copy of the documents with handwritten comments, possibly by Daniel Solomon.

Christopher Alexander, Artemis Anninou, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA , U.S.A.
Daniel Solomon, Kathryn Clarke, Phoebe Wall, Daniel Solomon & Associates with Phoebe Wall, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
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