Rebirth of the Inner City: Omaha Plan
08/05/1981May 8 version, with the following Table of Contents: Preface, Chapter 1: The Community in Charge; Chapter 2: Physical Plans; Chapter 3: Economic Development; Chapter 4: The City; Chapter 5: The Community; Chapter 6: The Neighborhoods; Chapter 7: Individual Families and Businesses.
Rebirth of the Inner City: North Omaha Community Development Plan
Early draft, organized in seven chapters, with a Preface, presenting the problems at hand, the community and city economic and social character and an Introduction, referring to a Ten Year Budget, as the base of the economic planning process. Chapter ...
Rebirth of the Inner City: Master Plan for North Omaha; includes two copies of the manuscript, the second titled "North Omaha Plan - Outline" with corrections and notes incorporated in the first
Early draft, organized in seven chapters, with a Preface, which defines the place and role of North Omaha for the city, and an Introduction, referring to the Ten Year Budget, required for the process of reconstruction. Chapter 1: Human Structure; ...
Rebirth of the Inner City: Omaha Plan; a detailed structure of Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7
112-page draft with a more in-depth reference to the following chapters: The City, The Community, The Neighborhood, The Individual Families and Businesses.
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