Arch.201: Pasadena Multi-family Housing – Photographs of student model
01/06/1987Four closeup views of adjacent multi-family apartment buildings made by different students –You-Tien Hsing, Randall Schmidt and Kleoniki Tsotropoulou, testing layout rules for the formation of positive urban space and beautiful gardens as the centers of each project. Emphasis was given on the way each project complemented and enhanced the spatial order and functionality of the other.
The Unfolding of Public Space and Gardens as Positive Space
Outdoor space is positive when it is shaped just as a room is shaped. It has a contained character, it is bounded by walls, fences, natural vegetation, enclosure of some kind. It looks into other positive spaces, some larger, some ...
The Uniqueness of People's Individual Worlds, Always Respected and Manifested
In the last two centuries "modular" design has produced identical apartments, arranged in typical apartment blocks. The same is true for mass-produced furniture. Uniqueness, which expresses personal needs and whiches, and which springs from the need to adapt and connect ...