Neighborhood of Seventy Low-Cost Houses: Photographs of drawings


Seven site plans illustrating the street and house layout and staked- out process on the site: 1) Initial site plan with street layout and indicative lot subdivision; 2) Initial site plan with street levels, house volume edges and entrance transition formation; 3) Outline record of a partial street and plaza layout as staked out on site; 4) Site plan with individual lots, streets and plazas as staked out on site, with corrections recorded on it; 5) Adjusted lot subdivision to be used by the housing association in a lottery; 6) Final site plan with lot subdivision, including tables of lot areas and percentages; 7) A collage of two photographs depicting the staked out site plan rough record.

Christopher Alexander/C.E.S., Martinez, CA, U.S.A.
Digital, Print, Slide
6"x8", Color, B&W
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