Farmers’ Market
1982 to 1985A trellised structure to form the main spine for the weekly Farmer's open air market in Fresno, with 6,000 square foot floor area. Redwood arched trusses, on concrete block piers, 120 feet long, and 40 feet wide. Floor of grey concrete with blue concrete ornaments, let into the slb, forming an endless pattern. The owner set to work and planted vines all over it, to provide a leafy shade.
Fresno Farmers' Market: Ornamental concrete tiles
6.000-square-foot ornamental concrete slab with special hand made fish-tail tiles. Each tile is about 15 inches long and 6 inches wide, in thin dense concrete about 1/2 inch thick. made by precasting 1/2" thick light blue fishtail tiles, cast on ...
Fresno Farmers' Market: Redwood arched roof trusses
Fresno Farmer's market redwood arched roof trusses with concrete columns. The timber arched trusses were prefabricated in the C.E.S. warehouse near Berkeley, about 200 miles from the site, then moved to the building site and raised and fixed to get ...
Fresno Farmetrs' Market: Photographs of the project during construction
Two images depicting the column structures during an early phase of their construction; one, is a collage of three separate images.
Fresno Farmetrs' Market: Photographs of the project during construction
Three images of the plot during grading works, while the columns of the market are under construction, and are viewed partially at the image edges; each one of the first two is a collage of two photos.
Fresno Farmer's Market: Photographs of the load bearing structure
Four photographs of the fourteen moment resisting frames, made of redwood laminate arches and resting on concrete block pillars.
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The Unfolding of Public Space and Gardens as Positive Space
Outdoor space is positive when it is shaped just as a room is shaped. It has a contained character, it is bounded by walls, fences, natural vegetation, enclosure of some kind. It looks into other positive spaces, some larger, some ...
Design and Construction is one Integrated Making Process
The design process of a project and its construction process are united into one continuous and intertwined making process, unfolding in a step-by-step sequence. Design ends together with the completion of the construction process. "Making" is a conception of the ...
Strong Centers in all Levels of Scale
A building can only amount to something as a living thing when the various physical elements which appear in it are profound centers. The dominant feature of the process that is working correctly is that new centers are formed, and ...
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Fresno Farmer's Market: Photographs of model
One study model of the arched frames with the base concrete pillars.
Fresno Farmers' Market: Redwood Arched Roof Trusses - Photographs
The prefabricated pieces of the arched frame on the floor of the workshop.
Fresno Farmers' Market: Redwood Arched Roof Trusses - Photographs
The arched frame under construction on the floor of the workshop.
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