Fort Mason Bench

Marina District, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Other, Realized , Construction completed in Jun-1984
A three-tiered masonry public bench and centerpiece, on the Fort Mason pier, overlooking Alcatraz Island. It was built within three weeks as part of the "Spirit in Design" workshop, beginning on 24-Mar-1984 following an announcement in "CoEvolution Quarterly". The main intent of the project was to provide a permanent gift to the city of San Francisco, one which the inhabitants of the city would enjoy for many years to come.
CoEvolution Quarterly; Uncommon Courtesy, School of Compassionate Skills - Irmine Steltzner; Whole Earth Catalogue - Stewart Brand
C.E.S. staff:
Christopher Alexander, Rodney Moore, 22 workshop participants
Center for Environmetal Structure
Fort Mason Center, Marina Green, San Francisco - Mr. Mark Kasky, Director
Design and construction process:
1) Apprentice workshop announced: The workshop was given under the auspices of "Uncommon Courtesy", a non-profit organization financed by the "Whole Earth Catalogue and Co-evolution Quarterly". Twenty "students" joined. 2) Making a mockup on site: The first design act was to place several hundered concrete blocks in a large arched shape. This mock-up was used to depict the general layout of the bench. 3) Construction commences: Having the location and the overall shape, construction proceeded with more and more refinements in the general shape and details of the bench going on during construction. 4) Refinements: Sophisticated new techniques developed by C.E.S. were used to provide green and white polished marble inserts of animals, flowers, and abstract ornaments
Project stages:
Layout on the site by workshop particants No drawings were produced Direct construction management and on-site design decisions Built by the workshop participants
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