House for Ann Medlock and John Graham
1985 to 1988All wood 3,000 square feet house, with extended landscaping, gardens and driveways. Its exterior is heavy timber and cedar paneling. All interior structures with built-in furnishings, walls, floors, ceilings, lighting, cabinets, desks, chairs, tables, were custom fitted to user layout process, with hand-painted finishes. The clients took active part in the design of their house all along; they participated in the stake-out process of the house on the land, and in making decisions on-site during the construction of the house.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Request for fireplace to be part of Operation 3 rather than an extra
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Forwarding eleven pages of the drawing set illustrating the current stage of the house design; includes a detailed list of each drawing
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Contract Modification. Architect expressing his serious concerns regarding the implications of a personal bank loan taken by the owner, putting at risk the construction's smooth progress. In practice, the contractor always cosigns the construction part of a loan
SEE ALL Correspondence
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Sketch of site layout
One sketch illustrating the initial idea of the house-volume layout with an office and guest-room addition, with terraces, gardens, views, and arcade connection to a parking area. The office and guest-room addition were not finally constructed.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Sketches of perspective views
Four perspective views depicting various angles of the general character of the building volume on the site; versions of the house which were not finally implementd.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Sketches of floor plans
Thirteen sketches depicting a floor-plan layout sequence as it was being developed; the final floor plan implemented has been adjusted in its details.
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House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Shear Wall Details
12-page study illustrating the shear wall structural and construction details through detail sections with analytic information and specifications. They focus on wall fasteners, anchors and connections to the exterior walls, the floors and the ceilings; with a two-page attachment listing ...
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Agreement
5-page unsigned design agreement between Mrs. Ann Medlock & Mr. John Graham, and the Center for Environmental Structure, for the design of their house. The total area of the house is to be in the range of 3,000 square feet.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Construction Contract for Whidbey Island home of Ann Medlock and John Graham
9-page signed construction contract between, Ann Medlock and John Graham and the Center for Environmental Structure with Dow Construction Corporation in partnership. The house is to be built as indicated by the C.E.S. drawings attached as Appendix 1. Three pages ...
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House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Notes and sketches
Seven pages containing sketches and notes refering to various design and functional aspects of individual rooms and their connection to eachother.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Building Operations
Four pages with notes relating to the building operation process still pending, and including numerous construction suggestions and some costs relating to interior finishes.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Agenda
Seven pages with contents relating to construction issues requiring immediate solutions. The first page contains a list of ten issues needing solution and feedback. The following six pages include the sketches of the related issues mentioned in the list: an ...
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House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Photographs of the house framing model
Three photographs of the working framing model of the house, made of balsa wood in 1:50 scale, in which the shaping of the room volumes, the detailed framing of the house and its main windows was developed.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Photographs of sketches
Two early sketches of the house, the first a perspective and the second a plan which highlights the sequence of the main spaces as a chain of beads.
House for Ann Medlock and John Graham: Photographs of the project during construction
Six images of the house exterior depicting various parts of the building during its construction .
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The Unfolding of Public Space and Gardens as Positive Space
Outdoor space is positive when it is shaped just as a room is shaped. It has a contained character, it is bounded by walls, fences, natural vegetation, enclosure of some kind. It looks into other positive spaces, some larger, some ...
The Layout Process of Buildings on the Land - Visualization at Full Scale on Site
Each act of building needs to have a positive effect on its surroundings; to complete them, preserve their structure, make them better, by creating strong centers in them and next to them. Each new building is more alive when it ...
Strong Centers in all Levels of Scale
A building can only amount to something as a living thing when the various physical elements which appear in it are profound centers. The dominant feature of the process that is working correctly is that new centers are formed, and ...
SEE ALL Scientific Research
A Pattern Language
“A Pattern Language” is the second volume of “The Center for Environmental Structure Series” on architecture published by Oxford University Press. You can use this book to design a house for yourself with your family; you can use it to ...
The Nature of Order - An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe.
Book Three - A Vision of a Living World
“A Vision of a Living World”, the third volume of “The Nature of Order” series, presents, for the first time, a full spectrum of Alexander’s and CES built and unbuilt works. The book describes hundreds of buildings, plans, neighborhoods, drawings, ...