Low Cost Houses for Mexicali

1975 to 1977
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Low Cost Housing, Realized , Construction completed in 1977
A cluster of houses for large families, with a builders yard, built by the families themselves with the help of students from the Universidad Autonoma of Mexico, and a team of builders from the Center for Environmental Structure. Each house was designed with the participation of the family members, while being staked out on the actual site. The human rhythm of the process and the step-by-step organization of the construction process enabled families to help throughout all building activities. Special cement blocks and lightweight concrete vaulted roofs were developed as low cost material to meet the $3500 cost per house. Emphasis on details, color, and workmanship created houses with identity. Includes five houses of about 60-70 square meters each, and communal dining facilities; total construction area 7,000 square feet.
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali - Mr. Jorge Nunez, Director of the School of Architecture
C.E.S. staff:
Christopher Alexander, Julio Martinez, Howard Davis, Donald Corner, students and families
Built by the families and local subcontractors under the management of the Center for Environmental Structure
University of Baja California
Project cost:
Project stages:
Pattern language for the project by C.E.S. Layout on the ground by clients and C.E.S. Preliminary Design drawings done after layout Direct Construction management along with on-site design decisions Budget and subcontractors under C.E.S. control Users in
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