Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta
1972Master Plan based on the fundametal idea of a planning process which allows the planning office of Sigtuna Marsta commune together with representative users to make planning decisions for themselves. The process, organized on the basis of four elements "Pattern Language", "Diagnosis", "Projects" and "Procedure". The main feature of the process was that families would be able to design their own houses, apartments and apartment buildings by studying and using the proposed patterns and project specific pattern language.
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Audiovisual Tape
One tape with material related to the design competition for the production of a planning process for the town of Marsta .
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Concept boards illustrating "A New Kind of Planning Process"
Fourteen large boards illustrating the Master Planning Process based on four guiding elements: “Pattern Language”, “Diagnosis”, “Projects” and “Procedure”. The fourteen boards include: 1) A New Kind of Planning Process: introductory overview; 2) The Pattern Language: explaining the function of ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Concept boards illustrating "A New Kind of Planning Process", in Swedish
14 smaller boards presenting the contents of the new planning process, with explanatory texts translated to Swedish.
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Sketches - Town Growth for 1973
Seven region maps with sketches illustrating the implementation of the following patterns as the guiding principles for the design process of a future town development: 1) Farm areas and water supply; 2) Agricultural Valleys; 3) Nature Edges; 4) Urban Ribbon; ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Sketches - Neighborhoods
Nine sketches depicting the process of organizing and laying out 350 houses in three distinct neighborhoods by involving various user groups. One user group determining the overall location of housing and its large-scale patterns, and three subgroups determining the patterns ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Sketches - Apartment Building Plans
Five drawings describing a rough sequence of design steps to be followed be the user-families for designing an apartment building, applying one basic pattern at each step, followed by three more drawings depicting examples of various apartment designs, that such ...
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Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: A New Kind of Planning Process
31-page document explaining how families in Marsta-Sigtuna will be able to design their own house by using patterns, participate in the process and contribute their good ideas to the design. The process is explained by using an example of a ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Planeringssituation 1972-1973
Book with a summary compilation of student investigations and discussions on issues of community planning. A result of detecting the problems of the modern/current approach, based on centralized decisions, bureaucratic and technocratic considerations which deny the ecological and cultural context ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta: Photographs of presentation boards
Fourteen images depicting the presentation boards which include the proposed planning process which allows the people of Marsta-Sigtuna to make all planning decisions for themselves. Organized on the basis of the 4 elements of the process: The Pattern Language, Diagnosis, ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta - Neighborhoods: Photographs on design process
Nine images of sketches depicting the process of organizing and laying out 350 houses in three distinct neighborhoods, involving various user groups. One user group determining the overall location of housing and its large-scale patterns, and three subgroups determining the ...
Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta - Town Growth for 1973: Photographs on design process
Nine images of region maps depicting the implementation of the following patterns as the guiding principles for the design process of a future town development: 1) Farm areas and water supply; 2) Agricultural Valleys; 3) Nature Edges; 4) Urban Ribbon; ...
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Development of first Patterns and Pattern Languages
The first patterns were developed in 1967 by a group of people working together with Christopher Alexander in the Center for Environmental Structure. Between 1968 and 1976 the first pattern languages were developed and tested for particular projects undertaken by ...
Master Planning as a Dynamic Process - Organic Order and Piecemeal Growth
It is simply not possible to fix today, in a Master Plan, what the environment should be like in the future, and then to steer the piecemeal process of development toward that fixed, imaginary world. Instead, planning and construction will ...
"Car-Pedestrian Symbiosis" Pattern - Original
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern #52 Network of Paths and Cars. Revised in Jun-1970.
"Activity Nuclei" Pattern
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern #30 Activity Nodes. Revised in Jun-1970.
"Paseo" Pattern - Original
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern 31. Promenade.
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Photograph of the pattern "Pools of Light"
Image of the early pattern “Pools of Light”, as described in the “Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta”.
Photograph of the pattern "Visible Street Numbers"
Image of the early pattern “Visible Street Numbers”, as described in the “Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta”.
Photograph of the pattern "Long Thin House"
Image of the early pattern “Long Thin House”, as described in the “Master Planning Process for the Town of Marsta”.
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