Stanislaus County Mental Health Center

1970 to 1973
Modesto, CA, U.S.A.
Civic, Realized , Construction completed in 1973
A community mental health center for outpatients and outpatient care with seven buildings, including clinics, outpatient facilities, therapeutic departments for adults, teenagers and children, staff facilities, administrative offices, gardens, courts and walkways, with total area 24,000 square feet. The key item in the program was the NIMH requirement that architects work with the users to program and design the building. This was done with a team of psychiatric staff and patients, led by Dr. Hewitt Ryan. A pattern language specific to the project was developed by a C.E.S. team together with the clinic director and staff, as the first step of the design process. These initial patterns contributed to the structuring and formulation of patterns in "A Pattern Language".
Stanislaus County Mental Health Services - Dr. Hewitt F. Ryan, County Director of Psychiatric Services
C.E.S. staff:
Christopher Alexander, Murray Silverstein
Beuving Construction, Oakdale, California
Project cost:
Design and construction process:
1) Creation of a pattern language for the new mental health center, which defined the general spatial layout and conditions required by the psychiatric services. 2) Layout on the site: C.E.S. worked intensively on the ground with the team of users; in a period of about one week, the layout of the building on the site, according to the pattern language, was completed. 3) Final drawings: The plan laid out on the site with stakes, was then recorded on paper, and the final building drawings prepared directly from this data, with few changes. 4) Users were brought in again, while final decisions about structure and materials were made.
Project stages:
Pattern language for the project by clients and C.E.S. Layout on the site by clients and C.E.S. Development Design and Construction Drawings done after layout
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