User Designed Apartment Building

1974 to 1975
St.Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris , France
Residential, Designed , Not built
Design and construction of prototype apartment complex outside Paris. The project was initiated by Francoise Choay, the Minister of Housing in France, in November 1973, when she invited the Center for Environmental Structure to join her analysis of poor quality, mass produced stardard apartment buildings built in France. Besides the analysis, C.E.S. was to make a concrete proposal of how a contemporary apartment building ought to be built, so that besides showing the current deficiencies, it could also function as a prototype to be implemented by a group of developers in conjunction with the goverment. The project presents a pilot apartment building designed by 27 families.
French Ministry of Housing - Francois Choay
C.E.S. staff:
Christopher Alexander, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, Walter V. Wendler
Project stages:
Preliminary Design Construction Schedule
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