Christopher Alexander and the Chikusadai Housing Project on Japanese TV
18/06/1992One-hour special devoted to Christopher Alexander’s work in Japan, with emphasis on the process and design of the Chikusadai area of Nagoya, in response to an invitation to him by the families of the area to develop a low-rise, high-density alternative to the high-rise plans proposed by the city government, which threatens to destroy the sense of community and traditional way of life in the area.
Christopher Alexander and the Chikusadai Housing Project on Japanese TV: Discussion of expenses for Christopher Alexander and Mr. Tsutsui's trip to Japan for the purposes of the interview. The costs of the Nagoya project itself is the responsibility of the Center for Environmental Structure and the inhabitants. There are receipts attached and there is a request to explain some of the expenses
Christopher Alexander and the Chikusadai Housing Project on Japanese TV: The date the program will air is still undecided, but they are assured it will be done well. Asking to please make Hazama plan. They would also like to plan Christopher's next date for coming to Japan and asking that the information be provided. Four days is believed to be optimal