“Centripetal Pedestrian Paths” Pattern – Original
01/08/1969Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern #121 Path Shape. Revised May-1970.
Content of
Houses Generated by Patterns
The second of Alexander’s early works published by the Center for Environmental Structure, lays out the process of creating the pattern language for a group of houses designed for an experimental housing competition in Lima, Peru in 1969. It ...
A Pattern Language
“A Pattern Language” is the second volume of “The Center for Environmental Structure Series” on architecture published by Oxford University Press. You can use this book to design a house for yourself with your family; you can use it to ...
Development of first Patterns and Pattern Languages
The first patterns were developed in 1967 by a group of people working together with Christopher Alexander in the Center for Environmental Structure. Between 1968 and 1976 the first pattern languages were developed and tested for particular projects undertaken by ...
Project Specific Pattern Languages - Specificity and Generality of Pattern Languages
A shared pattern language in a project acts as the generic system which gives the power to the smaller local acts to form a whole. Within the process of making a project, every individual act of building differentiates space. However, ...
Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations
1969 to
Master plan for a community of 1500 houses, submitted as one out of twelve other competition entries for the United Nations sponsored international housing competition PREVI (Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda). The Center for Environmental Structure was chosen as the ...
Master Plan for the University of Oregon
1969 to
A complete user-based master plan for the University of Oregon, in Eugene, introducing a new planning theory, which replaced the predominant theory of master plans. It gave primacy to the use of pattern languages and user design, in the continuous ...
Stanislaus County Mental Health Center
1970 to
A community mental health center for outpatients and outpatient care with seven buildings, including clinics, outpatient facilities, therapeutic departments for adults, teenagers and children, staff facilities, administrative offices, gardens, courts and walkways, with total area 24,000 square feet. The key ...
Modesto Community Mental Health Center: Incomplete Pattern Language for Community Mental Health Centers
Introductory summary followed by twenty-five distinct patterns; each pattern provides the solution to a problem related to the following: Community, Mental Health Center, Public Gathering Place, Main Entrance, Inpatient, Outpatient, Day Care, Circulation, Patients Social Area, Alcoves – Windows, Day ...
Master Plan for the University of Oregon: Theory and Practice
403-page second draft of a project report on the preparation of a master plan for the University of Oregon. The report has to halves; Part 1 deals with theory and Part 2 deals with practice. Part 1 outlines the theoretical ...