Moshav Shorashim: Personal thoughts on the layout process that took place on the moshav site in Galilei with the twenty families for a whole month

Design Matters, Layout Process on Site

Seven different pieces of writing in a draft form with insertions, deletions and notes, certainly not forming one coherent paper, but conveying the goals, achievements, difficulties, failures and possible improvements of the layout process with the users on the land. The headings of the pieces are: 1) The Layout Process of the Whole Moshav, 2) The Choice of the Individual House Lot by the Family, 3) The Objectives of the House Layout Process and the Way to Attain them, 4) The Layout Process of the Individual House, 5) Were the Houses Successful as a Whole, 6) Construction Mode and System, 7) The Role of the Architect on the Site.

Artemis Anninou, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
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