Herman Miller Furniture Systems: The Personal Workplace – A System of Office Furniture Designed for Comfort: Vol 8. Layout Process for a Department

Project Report

24-page document on the layout process of a department in an organization, containing from 3 to 30 people, as indicated in the following Table of Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Who Does the Layout; 3. What are the Issues which Make your Department Work Well as a Whole; 4. Making a Picture of the Human Structure of your Group; 5. The Ideal Environment for Work-Group; 6. Asking Basic Questions to Establish the Nature of the Work-Group and its Work; 7. Phase 1: General Idea; 8. Phase 2: Main Centers; 9. Phase 3: Minor Centers – All Individual Workstations; 10. Group Process for Laying our Work-Stations.

Christopher Alexander, Artemis Anninou, Gary Black, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
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