Neighborhood Reinvestment: Housing Process for Neighborhood Reinvestment Corportation; First Stage – Final Document

Project Report, Proposal Brief

15-page paper aiming to develop a process proposal for a pilot, housing project which would be capable of building houses at a low budget, and in a way which creates stronger community bonds amongst the owner/families through their participation in the construction process of their houses. The pilot project would be the building of a group of 10 to 12 houses on normal size lots, each having a built area between 900 to 1200 square feet at a construction cost of about 45 dollars per square foot. The general contents outlining the pilot project are: 1. General Conditions; 2. Family Participation; 3. Lot Layout and Common Land; 5. Ownership and Loan Structure; 6. House Construction; 7. Construction Administration; 8. Completion of Landscaping and Personal Details; 9. Building Permits and Loan Approvals; 10. Pilot Project Schedule; 11. Research Funding for Pilot Project.

Christopher Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.