Pattern Language for the New Eishin School
01/01/1983The New Eishin School pattern language, 144 pages with 110 patterns specific to the project, was developed with the in-depth involvement of faculty, staff and students over a period of five months. The pattern language addressed the following entities of the campus: 1) The Global Character of the Campus, 2) The Inner Precinct, 3) The Buildings of the Inner Precinct, 4) The Streets of the Inner Precinct, 5) The Outer Precinct, 6) Internal Structure of the Important Buildings, 7) Special outdoor details, and 8) Interior Building Character.
Designing with Patterns and Generic Rules for Making Centers
Pattern languages consist of a multitude of patterns which reflect and define a way of life, people's inner feelings and aspirations, they relate to culture, to climate and to the actual place, and they are rooted in observation. During the pattern ...
Project Specific Pattern Languages - Specificity and Generality of Pattern Languages
A shared pattern language in a project acts as the generic system which gives the power to the smaller local acts to form a whole. Within the process of making a project, every individual act of building differentiates space. However, ...
Participation of the Users in the Design Process - Testing and Applying Pattern Languages and Layout Rules
Christopher Alexander believed that people have a right to determine and shape their environment. The genuine and wholehearted involvement of the users in the shaping of their buildings contributes positively to good architecture. It gives life, identity and personal qualities ...