Rebirth of the Inner City: The North Omaha Plan
01/01/1981The substance of the plan has to do with the creation of a process by which people can create a community for themselves. 233-page report organized in three parts, as follows; Part One: The Assumptions of the Plan; Part Two: Implementation of the Plan; Part Three: The North Omaha Community Development Authority.
Rebirth of the Inner City: North Omaha Community Development Plan
Early draft, organized in seven chapters, with a Preface, presenting the problems at hand, the community and city economic and social character and an Introduction, referring to a Ten Year Budget, as the base of the economic planning process. Chapter ...
Rebirth of the Inner City: Master Plan for North Omaha; includes two copies of the manuscript, the second titled "North Omaha Plan - Outline" with corrections and notes incorporated in the first
Early draft, organized in seven chapters, with a Preface, which defines the place and role of North Omaha for the city, and an Introduction, referring to the Ten Year Budget, required for the process of reconstruction. Chapter 1: Human Structure; ...
Rebirth of the Inner City: Omaha Plan; a detailed structure of Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7
112-page draft with a more in-depth reference to the following chapters: The City, The Community, The Neighborhood, The Individual Families and Businesses.
SEE ALL Manuscripts
North Omaha Plan: Preliminary Design Drawings - Reduction drawings of Neighborhood Plans
Fifteen drawings of seven North Omaha neighborhood plans; the set of drawings for each neighborhood depicts its development in relationship to funding for the years 1979-80 and 1980-81.
North Omaha Plan: Preliminary Design Drawings - Neighborhood Plans
Nine partial neighborhood plans of the complete area under study, reduced in scale.
North Omaha Plan: Phographs of project site existing conditions
Eight photographs of the communities under study, five of which are included in the report “Rebirth of the Inner City”, in the title page, and in Chapters 1, 4 and 8.
North Omaha Plan: Phographs of project site existing conditions
Two photographs included in the report “Rebirth of the Inner City”, in Chapters 3 and 6.
North Omaha Plan: Phographs of project site existing conditions
Five photographs, all depicting people of the community in various activities. All photographs included in the report “Rebirth of the Inner City”, in Chapters 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9.