The New Apartment House: La politique de modeles et son retentissement l’innovation dans le longement social – Model policy and its impact on innovation in social housing

Reference Document

197-page report presenting an evaluation of the model policy approach as solution to the social housing needs. Its hypotheses, methods and limitations are addressed here. It is organized in four chapters, the fourth being the counter-proposal specifically elaborated by Christopher Alexander to fill in some gaps and respond to some of the criticisms made in the first two chapters. Chapter I: Analysis and criticism of the official concepts regarding models; Chapter II: Analysis of approved model projects; Chapter III: The model procedure in the history of model housing and Chapter IV: Proposal of a new type of collective housing.

F. Choay, J. Riguet - Directors and C. Andrian, P. Celeste, I. Glovinsky, P. Gresset, M. Gros, L. Valentino - Researchers, A.R.D.U. Universite de Paris VIII, Paris, France
Christopher Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.