• Neighborhoods and communities grow and change over time, and the effect of time on the process of its adaptation on real needs is huge, and leads to types and styles of order quite different from any planned arrangement, based on a master-plan. The dynamic time-dependent process, in which increments of construction will happen over time, creates and maintains relatedness with real situations. When a dynamic process is followed, each time the next step follows existing things --preserves the structure, and creates and maintains relationships-- we get a harmonious living community.
      Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

      The importance of reality: the importance of laying out streets and houses in the land itself, in direct response to its detailed configuration
      Feedback, diagnosis and repair
      Forms, when they are generated in time, not designed at the drawing board, display qualities of life, and do have life
      Simulations and reality: Simulations are essential tools for testing new rules and processes capable of generating a coherent and complex morphology of space. Only then, is one ready to apply the process to real land, through the actions of real people.
      Step by step construction

    • It is simply not possible to fix today, in a Master Plan, what the environment should be like in the future, and then to steer the piecemeal process of development toward that fixed, imaginary world. Instead, planning and construction will be guided by a process which allows the whole to emerge gradually from local acts. And the construction undertaken in each budgetary period will be weighted overwhelmingly towards small projects... Each new building is not a "finished" thing... They are never torn down, never erased; instead, they are always embellished, modified, reduced, enlarged, improved. This attitude to the repair of the environment has been common place for thousands of years in traditional cultures; we may summarise the point of view behind this attitude in one phrase: piecemeal growth. The same approach is also applicable to mass production industrial processes.
      Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

      The principle of organic order vs. master plans
      The principle of piecemeal growth vs. large lump development
      The principle of diagnosis
      The principle of coordination

    • Each act of building needs to have a positive effect on its surroundings; to complete them, preserve their structure, make them better, by creating strong centers in them and next to them. Each new building is more alive when it fits into its context, makes the larger area more profound, enlarges it in spirit. Each building, especially in its siting, its location, its volumes, and in the outdoor spaces they create, will be shaped to protect its neighbor buildings, to extend pedestrian canopies, to improve the space in adjacent streets in conjunction with other nearby buildings. The effect is that each building enlivens and intensifies the land. The way to start is to be on the land, on the actual ground of the building site, study it and understand its latent centers. The actual process of locating and sizing the volumes of a building and its outdoor spaces, might differ from case to case depending on the particularities of each case, but the only way to do it properly and extend the real benefits beyond the limits of the project site to its surroundings, is to visualize the building while being on the actual site and to stake out on the land all building edges and all important exterior centers, step by step, always with reference to the surroundings. Going back and forth between the the land and a work model at 1:200 scale, which shows the contours of the land, roads, surrounding buildings and trees, is a way to view and assess the results by replicating the stake out on the model with small paper models of the building volumes. It provides additonal insights, since it enables an easier perception of the whole. .
      Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

      Every building is placed and shaped to form a positive pattern of space
      Building volumes and important outdoor spaces are laid out on the actual site
      The purpose of the buildings is to bring life to the land
      It is the land that really matters
      It is through structure-preserving transformations that buildings are shaped and placed for enlarging the wholeness of the land