Designing with Patterns and Generic Rules for Making Centers
Pattern languages consist of a multitude of patterns which reflect and define a way of life, people's inner feelings and aspirations, they relate to culture, to climate and to the actual place, and they are rooted in observation.
During the pattern language stage of work, it is important to get a glimpse of the centers that will make the project which is to be designed, come to life as a whole. A pattern language is essentially a way of defining generic centers, and then use them sequentially, in the design process. A pattern language for a project, when successful, contains a geometrically constructive aspect of the emotions and content of the people who will use it.
Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed
Patterns as generic rules for making centers or “making lIfe enjoyable”
Structure-preserving transformations as the origin of function
Discovering new pattern languages
The system of patterns emanates as a whole
Forming a collective and shared vision
Houses Generated by Patterns
The second of Alexander’s early works published by the Center for Environmental Structure, lays out the process of creating the pattern language for a group of houses designed for an experimental housing competition in Lima, Peru in 1969. It ...
A Pattern Language
“A Pattern Language” is the second volume of “The Center for Environmental Structure Series” on architecture published by Oxford University Press. You can use this book to design a house for yourself with your family; you can use it to ...
The Nature of Order - An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe.
Book Two - The Process of Creating Life
“The Process of Creating Life”, the second volume of “The Nature of Order” series presents a dynamic theory of living structure. It begins with an analysis of transformations, which occur in nature, and the distinction between structure-preserving transformations, responsible for ...
Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations
1969 to
Master plan for a community of 1500 houses, submitted as one out of twelve other competition entries for the United Nations sponsored international housing competition PREVI (Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda). The Center for Environmental Structure was chosen as the ...
Stanislaus County Mental Health Center
1970 to
A community mental health center for outpatients and outpatient care with seven buildings, including clinics, outpatient facilities, therapeutic departments for adults, teenagers and children, staff facilities, administrative offices, gardens, courts and walkways, with total area 24,000 square feet. The key ...
Etna Street Cottage
Experimental building project, two-story 400 sq. ft. cottage, with a hollow wooden structure filled with concrete and featherweight concrete vaults. Completed in ten weeks, without a building permit at the back of the C.E.S. office on Etna Street, and was ...
SEE ALL Projects
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Sketches
Ink sketches of two Patterns: “Cell Gateway” and “Walk-Through Schools”.
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Preliminary Design Drawings - Site Plan
Site plan drawing of the proposed site organization for the community of 1500 houses.
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Preliminary Design Drawings - Cell Plan
Two plans of housing cells, depicting schemes of community cell organization; the first one depicts the organization of one cell, while the second depicts a combination of different cells.
Pattern Language for the New Eishin School
The New Eishin School pattern language, 144 pages with 110 patterns specific to the project, was developed with the in-depth involvement of faculty, staff and students over a period of five months. The pattern language addressed the following entities of ...
Haworth New Office Furniture System: Pattern Language for a New Generation of Office Furniture
34-page in-house sketch of a Pattern Language with 64 patterns structured in two groups: Group One “The Character and Layout of Offices” and Group Two “Physical Shape and Substance of the Furniture”. It includes two copies, the second one with ...
Herman Miller Furniture Systems: The Personal Workplace - A System of Office Furniture Designed for Comfort: Vol 6. Revolution in the Character of General Office Space - The Nature of the Workplace
18-page document emphasizing the need for a new generation of offices, in which work is a pleasure, and in which work and life are inseparable. Its Table of Contents is as follows: 1. Introduction; 2. Interaction of Human Problems and ...
SEE ALL Reports
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Photographs of drawings
Site plan drawings prepared for the design PREVI competition: 1) The Site; 2) Houses on the site in one cell; 3) One cell diagram with its road system, parking lots at the edges, and the outdoor room. They were exhibited at ...
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Photographs of drawings
Sketches drawn to illustrate nine of the patterns proposed for the design of the houses, namely: 1) Direct Visible Parking; 2) Cell Gateway; 3) Flowers on the Street; 4) Front Door Recess; 5) Translucent Opening Patio Roof; 6) Staircase is ...
The Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations: Photographs of drawings
A close up image of one residential cell, illustrating the central market located at the center of activity of that the specific community cell.
SEE ALL Photographs