Locus Manifesto-exposition: CES presented some aspects of the layout process of a project on the land, using the Eishin Campus as a positive example
30/05/2014Four boards included in the Science Cabinet #1 section of the exhibit, illustrating various stages and versions of Eishin campus layout process. Included are images of a balsa wood model, actual layout on the field with flags demarcating building locations, sketches of diagrams and possible layouts and one image of the completed project as seen from a distance.
Locus Manifesto-exposition: CES presented some aspects of the layout process of a project on the land, using the Eishin Campus as a positive example
Locus Manifesto-exposition: CES presented some aspects of the layout process of a project on the land, using the Eishin Campus as a positive example
Locus Manifesto-exposition: CES presented some aspects of the layout process of a project on the land, using the Eishin Campus as a positive example
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