Das Machen von Gebäuden: Eishin College – Eishin High School bei Tokio / The Making of Buildings: Eishin College – Eishin High School at Tokyo
"Das Machen von Gebäuden - Eishin College" article: Detailed update with explanations, regarding the provision of material about the project which were promised by Christopher Alexander and Hajo Neis, regarding the publication of the article in "Baumeister" titled "The Making of Buildings"
Asking whether the publication "Das Machen von Gebauden" in Baumeister about the Eishin School is still fresh in his mind, and inquiring if they can report again about his work, either by translating the article from July 1991 Progressive Architecture, or by publishing a new text
Design and Construction is one Integrated Making Process
The design process of a project and its construction process are united into one continuous and intertwined making process, unfolding in a step-by-step sequence. Design ends together with the completion of the construction process. "Making" is a conception of the ...
The Layout Process of Buildings on the Land - Visualization at Full Scale on Site
Each act of building needs to have a positive effect on its surroundings; to complete them, preserve their structure, make them better, by creating strong centers in them and next to them. Each new building is more alive when it ...
A New Approach to Design and Construction Management
A new kind of design/construction/management process, especially for large projects, is required, which will allow the building to be conceived, designed and built so that it comes to life. Below are the ground rules of such a process, already tried ...
Eishin Campus - High School and College Complex
1982 to
The project was envisioned to be a new combined High School and College Complex for the Eishin Gakuen Foundation, in Saitama prefecture, outside Tokyo, and was designed as such. The campus was to be the working environment of a population ...
Eishin Campus - High School
1982 to
The High School is the part of the Eishin Campus that was constructed, with a total construction area of 12,000 square meters. It is a complex of thirty-five buildings, with pedestrian colonnaded streets, gates and gardens, and a lake with ...
Eishin Campus - High School: Central Hall
1982 to
The Central Hall is located at the end of the homebase street. Α student gathering area with four-foot-thick concrete base walls and arched openings, with built-in benches, which double as entrances to the building. Arches and seats form alcoves, and ...
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