Eishin Campus – High School: Campus Pedestrian Streets Network
1986 to 1989The Eishin Campus pedestrian network includes a main square connected to the homebase wide street, narrow streets, arcaded alleys, paths and courtyards, fences, gates and terraces. It starts with a small square in front of the small gate, continues with the entrance street stretched up to the main gate, which leads into the main square. The main square, facing the lake, leads into the homebase street, which is the heart of the High School.
The main homebase street is formed by the individual homeroom buildings. It is a wide, lively, sunny street, which creates a forum where the students can come together outdoors, as a larger group, and where lively activity can unfold.
Gates were designed to invite the visitor to continue along the paths and streets of the site, as well as to create an act of entrance and passage.
The Campus of Eishin - High SchooI: The pedestrian network of the campus and the main square - Photographs of project model
Image of the main square in the modeling stage, when it started to be envisioned and take shape; buildings are still quite rough.
The Campus of Eishin - High SchooI: The pedestrian network of the campus and the main square - Photograph of project model
View of a portion of the Homebase street in a carboard model at 1:100 scale, focusing on the Homeroom buildings .
The Campus of Eishin - High SchooI: The pedestrian network of the campus and the main square - Photograph of project model
Image of the main square buildings in rather detailed large scale models, testing volumes, proportions, details, in parallel with the preparation of drawings.
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