A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers
01/01/1968The first of Alexander’s early works published by the Center for Environmental Structure, notably the first pattern language for a project. It is presented as a system of generating principles, called a pattern language for multi-service centers. It includes 64 patterns with diagrams and a description of the way a designer might use them to design a building. Examples demonstrate how the use of the pattern language generated eight different multi-service centers.
"Sleeping OK" Pattern - Original
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern #94 Sleeping in Public. Revised in Jun-1970.
"Community Territory" Pattern
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes. Revised in Sep-1970 .
"Pedestrian Density in Public Places" Pattern
Early formulation of pattern on a 2-page format with: Title of Pattern, Photo, Statement of Problem, Solution, Diagram, Author/s, Date, revision Date and Notes; included in “A Pattern Language”, pattern #123 Pedestrian Density .
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A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers: Network of patterns
Two large negatives, one overlaying upon the other, showing the sixty four patterns used for designing the Multi-Service Centers; a rudimentary picture of the way they fit together and interact .
A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers: Book cover photographs
Photographs of the cover of book “A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers”.