The Julian Street Inn – Shelter for the Homeless: Forwarding two letters to the Center for Environmental Structure from: 1. the Allied Electric Company discussing issues encountered running the electric conduits in the slab; 2. the Lescure Company requesting immediate feedback back on the submitted drawings for the sprinkler system, to avoid project delays
The Julian Street Inn - Shelter for the Homeless: Addressing the issues encountered in relation to electrical installations in the walls, caused by difficulties in interpreting the provided drawings. This problem should have been communicated directly to the project manager on time otherwise the architect could not be held responsible. The same timeliness is demanded for any other problem encountered by the superintendent or a subcontractor in the future
The Julian Street Inn - Shelter for the Homeless: Responding on the issue of modifying the placement of the sprinkler system for the dining hall. Shop drawings illustrating the architect's layout have already been approved regarding aesthetic design only, and no additional costs are involved