Bronx Multi-Service Center

1968 to 1973
Hunts Point, Bronx, NY, U.S.A.
Civic, Realized , Schematic Design was completed in 1968
An early study of the use of pattern language in community designed buildings. The Bronx Multi-Service Center is one of the eight centers included in the book "A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers", and presents a prototype for these buildings. A multi-service center being a community facility, was intended to provide a variety of special facilities to citizens, and to solve some of the problems of low income communities. The design of the prototype multi-service center was based on a system of generating principles, which could be transformed according to local circumstances, but which never fail to convey the essentails. This was developed as a system of patterns with rules for combining them, being one of the first pattern languages specific to a type of building, developed by C.E.S. These first patterns contributed, among others to the development of "A Pattern Language", published in 1977.
New York City Human Resourses Administaration, Hunts Point Community in the Bronx
C.E.S. staff:
Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Sanford Hirshen, Sim Van der Ryn
Built by others
Project stages:
Pattern language for the project by C.E.S. Concept design
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