First prize by minority report for selection of winners for the PREVI competition for low-cost housing in Peru
01/04/1970Three of the competition jurors, Carl Koch (USA/UIA), Alfredo Prez (Peru), Halldor Gunnloegsson (Denmark) expressed their disagreement with the majority selection of the International winners, and focused on the features and qualities of two other submitted international projects, one of them being the Christopher Alexander’s proposal. They formulated and submitted the minority report, wherein they expressed their objection for one of the winning schemes, while they highlighted the freshness of the approach, the innovative proposals and socioeconomical advantages of the C.E.S. submission.
Peru Project - Low Cost Housing for the United Nations
1969 to
Master plan for a community of 1500 houses, submitted as one out of twelve other competition entries for the United Nations sponsored international housing competition PREVI (Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda). The Center for Environmental Structure was chosen as the ...
Peru Project - Fourteen Low Cost Houses
1971 to
Construction of one group of fourteen (14) houses, part of the first experimental pilot project, built together with the schemes of the other twelve architectural firms which participated in the international PREVI competition.