Locus Manifesto-exposition “Re-enchant the World: Architecture and the City facing Society´s Transitions”

21/05/2014 to 06/10/2014
The Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris, France

The 40 architects already awarded the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture participated and exhibited their works. The exhibition was on international touring until 2016.
Christopher Alexander’s participation included the extensive presentation of the Mexicali project in the “Saving the People’s Habitat” section of the exposition, and three Science Cabinets, which contained a variety of artifacts related to his research accomplishments, his publications and projects. The Science Cabinets included numerous photographs of projects, works of art, construction systems and techniques, sketches by Christopher Alexander, excerpts from his books. A selection of them, mounted on small-size boards with captions, aimed at conveying the content of his research on a broad topic, this being mathematics, the environment, design processes, construction innovation, economics… Each topic was supported by his work in one of his published books or in one of the projects. Several books and projects were presented in this way.

C.E.S. staff:
Maggie Moore, Artemis Anninou, Lily Alexander
Organized by:
LOCUS Foundation & Cité de l'Architecture & du Patrimoine - Marie-Hélène Contal, Curator
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