Unfolding of Wholeness in Large Buildings by Successive Transformations of the Space

Large building are not easy to design and keep the feeling of intimay in them. The way a large building can be given this quality is by succeeding in the creation of living centers throughout its fabric. The profusion and the unity of the living centers, which make the larger whole a living center too, bring real life to the community and to its individuals. In large buildings, the successive transformations of space is crucial. The first thing to unfold will usually be the arrangement of volumes; to start with, rectangles of the building volumes as centers, and rectangles of the outdoor space as centers too. And then articulations in these volumes in distinct levels of scale.
Areas of focus:
Design and Building Process
Guiding idea:
Structure Preserving Transformations
Thoughts and Arguments Explored and Developed

Intimacy of design within the huge
The building comes genuinely from the inspiration and deep feeling of the users
The intricacy of detail in the making process
Arrangement of volumes with rectangles of the building volumes as centers, and rectangles of the outdoor space as centers too.

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